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How Constant Iteration Leads to CRM Success | CRM Strategy

In today’s fast-paced business world, having a CRM system is more important than ever. But the real benefits come from making it a long-term part of your business. To make CRM a powerful asset for your team and transform your business there are steps that are needed to make it stick. Appoint a...

Microsoft Partners’ Quest: Discovering Opportunities in the Digital Landscape

It's a mystery. Imagine that you’re a traveler. You are on a journey through an unfamiliar environment, with no map and only a flashlight to guide you. On this journey, you must find items of significant value. If you don’t find them, your journey ends in failure. Now imagine that in your bag is a...

Go Slow for Faster CRM Adoption? CRM Adoption Strategies

Moving too fast with your CRM can actually slow you down in the long run. With 40 to 70% of CRM projects failing, you don't want all of your time and effort wasted by not taking the best approach to your implementation. Spending over a year on a solution that doesn’t work can hurt your business in...