Get your team set for success! Introduce your streamlined screens, distribute end-user training materials, and monitor internal progress.
Complete Full Team Training Period

You and your team will take the Sales Training Video Course. We recommend reserving 4 hours over a several day period for everyone on your team to complete the course.
Share this link with all members of your organization who will be using Sage CRM, so that your sales team can begin their video training. Make sure they are aware of expectations, and inform them of a completion date that you have set. Your team should need about 4 hours to complete the videos, have time to explore CRM, and follow training activities.
Sales Training Course URL:
Customer Service Training Course URL (in needed):
Marketing Training Course URL (in needed):
Conduct Internal Training Recap

You and your team will meet internally to verify that your staff has completed their training and to identify areas which require more attention. Keep notes about your review to share with your Success Coach at your Sales Team Checkpoint.
Compile list of questions from your sales team and submit via MS Teams for your Success Coach to review.

Submit your Sales Questions List via MS Teams
Submit your list of questions from your sales team via MS Teams for your Success Coach to review before your next meeting takes place.
Attend Sales Team Checkpoint Meeting

You and your sales team will meet with us to review any questions you may have regarding the sales training materials to ensure your team feels comfortable operating inside CRM, to identify areas which might require further training or additional functionality, and discuss how training is going and review any salesperson feedback regarding training or the content.
Attendance from your sales team is recommended, but not required.
Before this meeting (Required):
• Submit list of questions from your sales team and submit via MS Teams

Attend Customer Service/Marketing Checkpoint Meeting
(If Applicable)
If your company is training your Marketing or Customer Service departments for CRM usage, such as using Sage CRM for cases, have a meeting with your Success Coach for either department specifically to identify areas which might require further training or additional functionality.
If you’re not sure if a Customer Service Checkpoint Meeting, or Marketing Checkpoint Meeting is necessary for your team, please ask in the Collaboration Space.
Commence Launch Date

Congratulations! The heavy lifting is done and now you and your team are ready to begin actively using your new system for daily activities! This is the most critical event in your OnTrack Onboarding process.
Don’t forget to remind your team that this process is a journey, and that you don’t expect your team to master everything during this training period. You have to crawl before you can walk or run!
And remember that you’re not alone! Azamba will be available via MS Teams to answer any questions your team may have in this integral first few weeks of post-go-live. We will also supplement your post-go-live with periodic, additional coaching sessions to go deeper into any topics and goals your team has with your system.